SYL’s Grandson Receives IDR 4 Million Honor, But Increases to IDR 10 Million

Jakarta, Hilton News

Protocol Minister of Agriculture Rininta Octarini revealed that the grandson of Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), Andi Tenri Bilang Radisyah Melati, had received an honor of up to IDR 10 million when he became an Expert at the Law Bureau since 2022. Rini became a protocol during SYL’s tenure as Mentan.

Rininta along with seven other witnesses from the Ministry of Agriculture were presented by the KPK prosecutor team in a follow-up hearing of the case of alleged extortion and receipt of gratuities of SYL et al at the Jakarta District Court, Wednesday (22/5).

“Have you ever heard the name Andi Tenri say Radisyah?” asked the prosecutor.

“Yes, I have,” said Rini.

“Who is it?” the prosecutor continued.

“Grandson of the minister,” Rini replied.

“As far as you know, has he ever received an honorary money of Rp10 million?” asked the prosecutor again.

“Ever,” said Rini.

He learned about the payment of the honor because he received information from the official of the Ministry of Law Bureau named Agung. At that time, explained Rini, there was an honor transaction for Bibie as SYL’s granddaughter.

“Since when did he receive the honor?” the prosecutor asked.

“I forgot when I received the honor, but if I remember correctly, Bibie became the Expert of the Secretary General for Legal Affairs in 2022,” Rini replied.

“How much is the honor the first time?” the prosecutor asked.

“The first time, if I’m not mistaken, is around Rp4 million,” said Rini.

“How many times is that Rp4 million?” the prosecutor continued.

“I don’t remember exactly,” said Rini.

The prosecutor was curious about the increase in Bibie’s salary to Rp10 million. Rini said, there was a complaint from the leadership that Rp4 million was too small.

“Why did it increase to Rp10 million?” said the prosecutor.

“At that time, Mr. Agung contacted me about a follow-up transfer from the Law Bureau to Bibie, and I was asked to inform Bibie if there was an additional Rp6 million,” said Rini.

“Whose initiative is the request for Rp6 million?” the prosecutor said curiously.

“As far as I know, Mr. Agung said that there was a conveyance from the leadership if there were complaints of lack of honor,” Rini replied.

“The leader, what’s his name?” the prosecutor continued.

“Pak Agung didn’t mention it directly,” Rini said.

“Did you mention his name, Mr. Minister?” the prosecutor asked.

“The minister is not,” said Rini.

Rini knows that Bibie is not a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Ministry of Agriculture. However, he admitted that he did not know why Bibie could become an expert at the Law Bureau.

“Have you ever said that your son is an expert?” the prosecutor asked.

“If you convey it directly to me, no,” said Rini.

“But she [Bibie] ever stopped by the minister’s room?” the prosecutor continued.

“Once, sir,” said Rini.

SYL was tried for alleged extortion of up to IDR 44,546,079,044 and gratuities were considered bribes of IDR 40,647,444,494 during the 2020-2023 period.

The crime was committed by SYL together with two other defendants, namely Secretary General of the Ministry Kasdi Subagyono and Director of Agricultural Tools and Machinery, Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

SYL was also prosecuted by the KPK for alleged Money Laundering (TPPU). The case is still rolling in the investigation stage.


[Image:HN Video]

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