SYL’s Grandson Called an Expert at the Ministry of Agriculture, Gets a Car Loan

Jakarta, Hilton News

Head of the Agricultural Instrument Standardization Agency Fadjry Djufry revealed that Syahrul Yasin Limpo’s (SYL) grandson, Andi Tenri Bilang Radisyah Melati, is an expert at the Ministry of Agriculture’s Legal Bureau and received an official car loan from 2020 to 2022.

This was revealed when KPK prosecutor Meyer Simanjuntak studied the provision of both money and goods from the Ministry to Andi Tenri in a follow-up hearing of the case of alleged extortion and receipt of gratuities of SYL et al at the Jakarta District Court, Wednesday (22/5) evening.

“To the knowledge of the witness, did the witness ever give goods, money, loans to his families?” the prosecutor asked.

“If it’s directly from me, there is none,” Fadjry said.

The prosecutor then mentioned the name of Andi Tenri as SYL’s grandson. Fadjry said he knew the person concerned.

“Ever lent or give away things? Car,” the prosecutor asked.

“Oh, borrowed car. We lend cars for several years, from 2020 to 2022,” he explained.

“That’s the witness’ private car, what is the office car?” the prosecutor continued.

“Office car from Balitbang [Research and Development Agency] of the Ministry of Agriculture,” Fadjry replied.

“Toyota Nav, correct?” the prosecutor continued.

“Yes, Toyota Nav,” Fadjry confirmed.

Fadjry is the Head of Balitbang Ministry of Agriculture. He then served as Head of the Agricultural Instrument Standardization Agency since 2023.

The prosecutor then questioned Fadjry why Andi Tenri was able to get a car loan from the Ministry of Agriculture. According to Fadjry, Andi Tenri is an expert at the Ministry of Agriculture’s Law Bureau. The request for the Toyota Nav car came from a former SYL aide named Panji Hartanto.

“The witness mentioned that his grandson was a Legal Bureau Expert, yes. Know where it came from?” the prosecutor asked.

“Hear from..,” Fadjry said, which was immediately cut off by prosecutors.

“Have you seen it in person at the Law Bureau? Or is it just a story?” the prosecutor continued.

“Hear stories from friends, hear from Sespri, the minister, Mrs. Rini [Rininta Octarini, Protocol of the Minister of Agriculture],” said Fadjry.

Fadjry admitted that he did not know Andi Tenri’s track record so that he could become an expert at the Law Bureau. Also, he admitted that he also did not know whether Andi Tenri received an honor or not.

“I don’t understand,” Fadjry said.

Today, Wednesday (22/5), the KPK prosecutor team called eight witnesses from the Indonesian Ministry internally.

They are Fadjry Djufry (Head of the Agricultural Instrument Standardization Agency); Bekti Subagja (Head of the General Section of the Secretariat of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency); Zulkifli (Head of the Organization and Personnel Bureau of the Ministry); Rininta Octarini (Protocol of the Minister of Agriculture).

Then Rio Nugraha (Staff of the General and Procurement Bureau / Special Staff of Mentan); Firmansyah (Head of the Secretary-General’s Administration Team and Ministerial Expert Staff); Hendra Putra (Director of PT Haka Cipta Loka and Haka Loka); and Fajar Noviansyah (Director of CV Maksima Selaras Budi).

SYL as a NasDem Party politician was tried for alleged extortion cases of up to IDR 44,546,079,044 and gratuities were considered bribes of IDR 40,647,444,494 during the 2020-2023 period.

The crime was committed by SYL together with two other defendants, namely Secretary General of the Ministry Kasdi Subagyono and Director of Agricultural Tools and Machinery, Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

SYL was also prosecuted by the KPK for alleged Money Laundering (TPPU). The case is still rolling in the investigation stage.


[Image:HN Video]

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