KKB Members Shot Dead, Allegedly Burned Kiosks and Elementary Schools in East Paniai

Jakarta, Hilton News

The Cartenz Peace Operation Task Force shot a member of the KKB led by Undius Kogoya, the perpetrator of burning kiosks and school buildings in East Paniai, Central Papua.

Head of Peace Operations Cartenz Kombes Faizal Ramadhani said the shooting began with an arson action carried out by two KKB members, on Tuesday (21/5) night.

Faizal said that at that time the two Undius Kogoya men came to the stall owned by Arwin’s victim pretending to buy cigarettes, at around 21:35 WIT.

“Arwin’s victim served him by giving him cigarettes. But suddenly one of the KKB members pulled out a firearm and opened fire,” he said in a written statement, Wednesday (22/5).

After being held at gunpoint by the KKB, he said the victim immediately fled into the house so as not to be hit by gunfire. The shot fired eventually hit a helmet placed on the wall of the house.

After the failed attack, Faizal said the two KKB members fled and set fire to the kiosk building and school building in the vicinity.

While carrying out the arson, the two were involved in a shooting contact with TNI-Polri officers. In the counterattack, joint officers managed to shoot dead one of the perpetrators named Basoka Lawiya.

“After a sweep, the body of KKB member Basoka Lawiya who is an Adjutant to the Head of KKB Undius Kogoya was found,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations for Cartenz Peace Operations AKBP Bayu Suseno said that he had seized a number of evidence in the form of 1 bullet magazine and a telescope at the scene.

On the other hand, currently all PAUD, elementary and junior high school teachers of YPPGI Kepas Kopo Paniai have also been successfully evacuated to the Paniai Police Station. The total number of refugees displaced by the arson was 19 adults and four children.

“For now, the Joint TNI-Polri and the Cartenz-2024 Peace Task Force are still on standby to anticipate follow-up actions from the KKB,” he said.


[Image:HN Video]

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