Handing Over 20 Names to Jokowi, ICW Asks KPK Capim Pansel to Be Overhauled

Jakarta, Hilton News

A number of members of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) visited the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (20/5) afternoon.

The purpose of their visit was to conduct an audience with Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office regarding the formation of a selection committee for candidates for commissioners and the KPK supervisory board for the 2024-2029 period.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana added that during the hearing they had submitted more than 20 names of KPK pansel candidates for President Jokowi to consider.

“We also submit a document containing a number of names of proposals from civil society to be considered, or forwarded by Deputy V KSP to the President’s desk so that they can then be considered properly,” Kurnia said at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (20/5).

However, Kurnia is still reluctant to disclose the recommendations for these names. He only ensured that the names presented to the KSP were those who understood the problem of eradicating corruption in general.

Then, those who are qualified, such as a figure who has competence. Those who have integrity or do not have a track record that is against the law or ethics. And most importantly a figure who is free from conflicts of interest.

“We cannot give the names of anyone, but we are quite confident that the parties we push to the government are figures who really understand the problem of eradicating corruption in general and eradicating corruption in the KPK,” he said.

Furthermore, Kurnia said that ICW did not want the formation of the KPK Capim Pansel to be problematic again like the previous period. He considered Jokowi needed to evaluate considering that his administration period will be completed in October 2024.

In addition, ICW requested that the establishment of the KPK Capim Pansel be carried out transparently in order to restore the image of the KPK in the community which has declined in recent years due to the revision of the KPK Law and the problematic KPK leaders and dewas.

“This week is a very crucial week for the eradication of corruption, because based on the confession from the Coordinator of the President’s Special Staff, in early June the pansel has been working,” explained Kurnia.

“Therefore, in the next 5-6 days, we hope that the government will remain accommodating and consider the 2019 selection process, which has many bad records to be changed in the 2024 commissioner and dewas election process,” he added.

Have the capim pansel overhauled

ICW further requested that the composition of Pansel Capim and the KPK supervisory board for the 2024-2029 period be overhauled. The government later said the KPK Pansel consisted of nine people with details of five people from the government and four people from the general public which would be determined through a Presidential Decree.

“The composition of the five governments and the four societies must be overhauled,” Kurnia said.

Kurnia assessed that the KPK Pansel seat must be filled by those who are qualified, such as a figure who has competence. Those who have integrity or do not have a track record that is against the law or ethics. And most importantly a figure who is free from conflicts of interest.

“We think that those dominated by the KPK Pansel should be people who have no affiliation, no affinity or can be said to be those who have an independent background,” he added.

Separately, the Main Expert of Deputy IV and V KSP Rumadi Ahmad said that the government continues to strive to prepare the figure of the KPK Pansel with integrity and public acceptance. Rumadi considered the effort important to increase the credibility of the KPK in the community. He also ensured that dozens of names of KPK Pansel recommendations offered by ICW would be forwarded to President Jokowi.

“Yes [it was handed over to the President] through the team that prepared the formation of the Pansel,” Rumadi said.

Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana previously said the selection committee for KPK leadership candidates would number nine people with details of five people from government elements and the rest from community elements. Ari has not been able to divulge who the figures who will become the pansel. According to him, the names of prospective members of the capim pansel and KPK Dewas are still being poked.

Pansel will be tasked with selecting candidates for KPK leadership before being processed by the DPR for fit and proper tests

President Jokowi previously said that the composition of the KPK Capim Pansel would be announced in June 2024. Jokowi said the government was currently preparing the names. The plan, the figures who will join the KPK Capim Pansel will be announced in June 2024. The KPK capim selection committee will number nine people consisting of government and community elements.


[Image:HN Video]

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