Erick Invites People to Choose Prabowo to Move Indonesian Football Forward

Jakarta, Hilton News

Erick Thohir and national figures attended the Indonesia Maju concert for the number two presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Wednesday (7/2).

In his speech, Erick invited tens of thousands of residents present to support Prabowo-Gibran. According to him, Indonesian football can accelerate forward if the people vote for Prabowo-Gibran.

“Who wants Indonesian football to progress? Who to choose?”,” said Erick, who is also the PSSI Chairman, at the Baharoeedin Siregar Stadium.

Hearing questions from Erick, tens of thousands of residents present shouted “Prabowo”.

Not only that, Erick said the Prabowo-Gibran couple is also the best example of unity for the Indonesian nation entering a new era.

“This is the best example for Indonesia, when two statesmen unite. The era of young Indonesians has been born,” said Erick.

He then invited dozens of North Sumatrans present at Deli Serdang to win Prabowo-Gibran in one round.

“North Sumatra is one round, can you?” exclaimed Erick. “Can!” shouted the crowd.

Meanwhile, a number of other figures who attended the second Prabowo-Gibran grand campaign in North Sumtara included Maruarar Sirait, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution and his wife Kahiyang Ayu.

Then, TKN Chairman Rosan Roeslani, and PSI Chairman and TKN Vice Chairman Kaesang Pangarep to TKN Spokesperson Isyana Bagoes Oka.


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